Just Another Photo

My husband always has something to say when he has to take my pictures in the house. At the same time he always has something to say about taking pictures directly outside of the house. He just doesn’t want “everyone seeing where he lives” so he says ;-). Personally, I don’t like taking pictures in the house or its surrounding. If I had my way, we would be downtown or in a field somewhere!
However, when your left with a husband who is either always hungry or is busy when it’s camera time, whats a girl to do? I love my husband and his efforts he makes, but having a real photographer who can tell me when I should turn this way or move my hand that way would work wonders. Anywoo, until then, enjoy these lovely shots by the hubby…I feel a comment coming! LOL
Tie Blouse-Old Navy/Skirt, Cardigan and Watch-Nordstrom/Earrings-Forever 21/Shoes-Anne Klein