5 Steps to Shopping & Saving in the New Season!

Anytime one season ends,  a new one begins and typically that means it’s time to go shopping!!!! I love to shop,  but most importantly I love to save money! When it comes time to shopping for the new season the first thing you want to do is go over your inventory. Remember, your closest is your “personal boutique” and like any other boutique, it is important that it is organized and easy to shop through (For suggestions please read my earlier posts, “Are You Closet Ready?” & “The Process-Getting Organized”).

Assuming that you have either already rotated or organized your closet:

Step 1: Go through each piece in your closet (I mentally like to put outfits together in my head).

Step 2: After inventorying your closest, ask yourself if you have all the essential  pieces needed to have on going looks throughout the season.
Ex. Pull over sweater,  basic long sleeve tee, button down blouse, black dress pants ect.

Step 3: Whatever you think your missing, write it down (think grocery list so you can stay focused)!

Step 4: Check out your favorite stores for any sales that might be going on before shopping.

Step 5: Once you have returned home with the goods,  reassess your closet with your brand new pieces to make sure colors and fabrics go together (if you don’t do it now, you might regret it later and miss out on the opportunity to return it to the store).


Other Useful Tips:

If in Step 2,  you can visually pull together at least 3 different looks using one of the key pieces in your wardrobe then your good to go!

If in Step 3, you can take a picture of the key pieces you want to build your outfits to refer to when shopping.

Now whose ready to go shopping? 🙂