Greater Things to Come

Look who made the cover!  I had the esteemed pleasure of being apart of the 1st issue of CEO Magazine of Richmond! This was such an honor to be apart of and I am so thankful to have been chosen. Everything about the experience was done with excellence and much thought. From hair and make up and even the photo shoot, each “Ambassador” as we are called, enjoyed nothing, but the best with star studded treatment!
Through the eyes of founder Sharon Oliver, the magazine is all about recognizing women of all types and the CEO roles they may play in their lives. Whether it is owning your own business or being a stay at home mother, its about letting you know you are great at whatever role you play. Most importantly, the magazine provides an outlet that encourages and supports other women in the community.
I think what I love the most was meeting so many incredible women to connect and network with. It just feels good when you can be surrounded by like minded people who are serious about what they do and have the passion to drive it! I believe this is just the beginning of greatness for each of us and more is yet to come!
Please be sure to check out the issue online at and subscribe! There will be more about me and others to come throughout each issue so be on the look out!
Special thanks to: Nirvana Hair Salon, Jadien Jones Photography, Epiphany Beauty and last, but not least,  Sharon Oliver for her vision.