Keep Moving

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Today I was blessed to hear my First Lady preach in church today. Her messages are always encouraging and timely for my life. Like any other message that causes you to reflect on your own life, this one really let me know how much I need to push myself even the more to allow God to get all He needs from me. This is very much so when I begin to understand that everything I am going through is needed in order for others to get their break through.
I think for many of us, we hear the word of God and know what the Bible says about trials and tribulations, however we don’t really get it until we have to go through it.  Even then,  it’s hard for us to break our flesh and be spiritually minded and be encouraged. Speaking from my own experiences,  I still struggle with the concept and learning how to find peace in the midst of some situations.
I was reminded that, “you must hold fast to the assignment God has given you.” The need to get through the storm is much bigger than what we could ever think or imagine. When we decided to live for God,  we didn’t get the choice in choosing our battles.  We must find a way to get through and be sure we put on the full armor of God ( Ephesians 6:10-18) along the way. Be encouraged and know that God will never leave nor forsake you.
Official scripture reading today came from Romans 8:28-29