So after having my third child I quickly learned just how busy my life had become. I can honestly say that I had more time prior and took it for granted. I believe the toughest part about being a mom of three is being able to give each child the attention he/she needs.
I remember when my daughter was an infant, my son couldn’t wait for her to fall asleep and ask “So mommy what do you want to do with me?” Of course I was exhausted as any mom would be after caring for a newborn and a toddler. On Most occasions, “mommy and me time” didn’t last very long because by the time I did what I needed to do (like shower) and then play with my son, my daughter would wake up. Furthermore, my son was uninterested in all three of us playing and is the same way today.
I cannot say that I have figured out a way to balance my time amongst the three, but I am trying. More so with my daughter. Since she is my shadow and literally watches my every move, its important to me that I spend as much time as I can showing her how to be a young lady. Also so she doesn’t have the “middle child complex syndrome”as my husband often says. Lol.
As for my boys, I am not really worried about them. Even though they need mommy too, its in a different way. I will always be there for them, however they will have to rely on their father to teach them the ropes of how to be men with honor.
It is my prayer everday that God will help me to be the best mother to my kids, to lead by example and help them know the Lord as they should. I understand that I am a work in progress. I truly believe that if I trust in the Lord He will lead me through any obstacle, including the highs and lows of being a parent as He will for you.
Stay tuned for the follow up. Be blessed!
Supported Scriptures:
Psalms 119:105
Proverbs 3:5-6