Mini Turkey and Pesto Sandwiches

Another quick and easy meal that can also be taken on the go are these tasty turkey and pesto sandwiches!

-1 8-10  oz jar of Pesto
-1 package of 12 rolls of sweet bread
-1 large tomoato (more depending on your preference)
-1 package of turkey breast 
-1 12 slice package of Mozzerella  
– Salt 
-Italian seasoning  
Start by cutting the rolls in half and putting Pesto on the top pieces as pictured below. 

Next up on the bottom pieces of rolls, apply 2 pieces of turkey breast to each one and apply a slice of tomato and add a dash of salt, pepper, oregano and Italian seasonings

Place mozerella (or your choice of cheese) folded over the tomatoes and the strategically place the top half on top making your sandwich ( or pull apart and do individually). You can melt about a tsp. of butter and garlic powder and mix and apply to each role. Place in the oven for about 6-8 min or until cheese has begun to melt. 

Tahdah! These are great during football season or for lunch.

In this case, even for a weekend party in your little guy’s room!😜
