Delicious Apple Crisp

After I had my son I had frozen dinners sent to my home for 2 weeks and a couple of them included oatmeal crisp with pieces of apple in it or cranberries. I throughly enjoyed both and felt it was THE BEST part of my meal! So thus me began looking online of how to make it!

I found several recipes, however there was one that worked the best for me. It was quick, easy and the family loved it! My husband even had me make a peach crisp which tasted like his favorite, peach cobbler! I even made one using a pie crust for my sister in love and she couldn’t get enough! I definitely recommend trying it for yourself and when you do, throw either some whipped cream or vanilla ice cream on top and be sure to let me know how you liked it! ☺️

For recipe please visit Apple Crisp. Enjoy!